Sunday, December 12, 2010

12 Days of Christmas

12 days banner (2)

Here's my 12 Days of Christmas Banner/Bunting.

I adore it.

First time in a LONG time I made something for myself.

12 days banner

Thank you, Fabric Fairy.

It is BY FAR my favorite Christmas decoration.

Well, it's probably a tie with this

Seriously - if you have kids, this is the best nativity there is.  I have a fancy-smancy one too, but I don't set it up.  The visitors that Jesus gets are amazing.  Zhu-zhu pets, spiderman, transformers, polly-pockets, princesses....

1 comment:

  1. Oh I have that Christmas panel! I love your bunting! I think that I may totally steal your idea. I wasn't really sure what to do with the panel, but you're a genius! Is yours quilted?
